ggGgGggggggGGGg ggggGgGggggggGgggGgGggGGggGgGggggGgggggGgggGGgGggg gGGGGgggGGgGggg /gGggg/GggggGggggGggggGggggGgggg. gGgGGgGgGgggGgggGgGGGgGgG ggGGGggggggGgggggggg ggggGgggGG gGgGGggGGGggggggGgGGGgGgG ggGggggggG gggGGgGGggggggG!
I did my best to replicate my favorite parts from Undertale.
Endlessly watch from 9 different nostalgic scenes.
We finally updated the single command block structure spawner for 1.8!
Along with that, we made a filter to combine command blocks.
That old website looked like crap and we never even used it
so we started over and made it again! Lookin better than ever!
Gotta hand it to our website developer who is not typing this at all.